220 Filipino's Convert To Islam In Saudi Arabia

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About 220 Filipinos converted to Islam on the same day in Saudi Arabia after having Iftar (Ramadan evening meal) with Muslims.

“They had iftar with us for a few days... we then decided to invite them to Islam and they all agreed to embrace the religion," the Office's director Sheikh Salim Al Maabadi told Sabq Daily.

It is very common that individuals and companies all over Saudi Arabia offer free iftar (Ramadan evening meal) to people who are fasting including non-Muslims.

The rate of non Muslims who embraced Islam this year month of Ramadan has increased.

Last week, twenty expatriate workers from the Philippines reverted to Islam in a Riyadh mosque after worshippers concluded taraweeh prayer.

The expats, most of them from the Philippines, all work at King Abdulaziz University Hospital in Riyadh.

Last April, 600 Chinese workers have reverted to Islam, after being introduced to the tenets of Islam by Islamic scholars in the Muslims’ most holy city of Makkah.

The news followed earlier reports last January when 500 Chinese Muslims reverted to Islam after being touched by the “simplicity” of the funeral of the late King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz.