MUST WATCH : Yaya Dub first ever YouTube video goes viral online!

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Because of the sudden fame of the AlDubLove team, Alden Richards and AlDub fans are very much eager to look for further information from their personal lives.

Yaya Dub first ever YouTube video goes viral online!

The netizens were able to find AlDub first ever YouTube video on her YouTube channel! In case you haven't watched it yet, grab your chance now!

In this video, you can clearly see that Yaya Dub's hair is still short and netizens claim that this was filmed during her "nene days".

What's even more incredible in this video is that she's not afraid to show her silly and goofy side!


Some netizens claim that after they've watched this video, they fell in love with Yaya Dub more!

Let the whole world know about this story!

From : Maine Mendoza