One-year-old baby Left Blind Following Tumour Surgery in Mexico when Doctor wrong EYE Removed

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A baby has been left completely blind after a surgeon reportedly removed the wrong eye.

A surgeon has been suspended and placed under investigation for leaving a baby blind after he removed the wrong eye during surgery.

The mix-up happened at the Medical Unit of High Speciality Mexican Social Security Institute in Ciudad Obregon, in the northwest Mexican state of Sonora.

Meanwhile, the baby still has a cancerous eye that must be removed and doctors have warned that if it isn’t removed soon the baby could die. IMSS spokesman Jaime Zaldívar said cancer in young children is more aggressive than in adults because their cells are less developed. On top of that, the cancer in Fernando’s case is well advanced, he said in an interview this morning.

According to the hospital surgeon, he decided to remove the right eye because he detected malignant tumor in it. However, they won't accept his explanation since the initial investigation is that the infected eye is the left eye, and that was the one he advised to be removed. 

Another thing is the fact that these tumors don't grow instantly - they couldn't have possibly grown just hours after it was checked. Well, even if he detected tumor in the right eye, he should have consulted the parents first before removing them.

Do you think the relatives have the right to sue the surgeon for negligence and medical malpractice? A police complain have already been reported and the hospital has already been looking into the matter.